Letter: Clean water equals life

Clean, fresh, life-giving water is the essence of all … and especially all terrestrials able to perceive the “gift” of our existence! If we mindlessly continue to disregard this seminal reality its critical necessity will shorten our human development, incrementally demeaning its “quality” in the process.

Allowing spilled oil to percolate through glacial ice fields may attritionally desecrate the human organism, over time, but spilling this fossilized fuel source into lakes and rivers, or sublimating fracking toxins into those fertile fields from below, will be a more immediate degradation! We’ve already desecrated a multitude of watersheds across the country. From the many waterways feeding the Chesapeake to the Colorado “creek” by the time it enters Mexico.

We must stop this carelessness from intoxicating the Nation’s breadbasket. The Missouri River is a major contributor in the Mississippi floodplain and Energy Transfer Partners are poised to drill a certain-to-leak-and-pollute fossil fuel conduit under its riverbed. The movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline is growing stronger by the day, and it’s time for all of us to rise up and play a role in this fight! We must stand with the Standing Rock Sioux.

It’s 250 years past time our culture inculcated some reverence for our Mother — the source of all!

John S. Sonin
