Meanwhile, state and federal protections are lacking, advocates say.
City talks funding of gondola project and a possible new partnership
Respondents generally report positive impact, but shine light on some challenges.
Winds between 60-70 mph expected.
News follows a two-month investigation.
Day steps down from his positions with Tourism Best Management Practices after 25 years
“It’s a huge moment for Alaska Native people”
Changes include daily fee for vessels at Statter Harbor that do not move every 10 days amid summer
“Coming from a small community in Alaska like Angoon, I never would have thought that would be there”
Independent report says failure to follow policy contributed to negative balance.
The new location at the Armory Log Cabin replaces the old clinic at Ethel Lund Medical Center
Stuff the starting line Thanksgiving morning
“There’s no happiness anywhere in this.”
It’s a collaboration between local scientists, composers and musicians
“The atmosphere was electric”
Church leaders share details about planned apology for church closure
“He was a mentor, he was a friend, he taught me so much…”