A man was injured in his home by an unknown assailant.
Nearly two dozen have been infected.
104 Japanese-Americans were interned from Alaska at the outset of WWII.
The 90-year-old suffered symptoms of a stroke.
The inpatient elective surgeries may be suspended if case counts continue to rise.
It’s the first time a book from the early literacy program has been selected.
Read candidate answers to the questions.
The police need more information if the investigations are to proceed.
Case rates are still high but gradually improving.
It’s Juneau’s first road win for the season.
Members were making emergency preparedness kits for Tribal children.
A small detachment deployed down south to assist recovery from Hurricane Ida.
The memorial will honor the 20th anniversary of the attack with some new improvements.
The facility, near Safeway, will provide more housing so elder citizens can stay in Juneau.
Docks and Harbors says to rig for a rough one.
The man was on the Eagle River, returning from an overnight cabin stay.
The Juneau School District was on of 29 educators and staff named nationwide.
No injuries were reported, but both vehicles sustained major damage.
Getting work done in an ocean far from home.
“They said, we have a job to do and we’ll do it.”