Wire Service

First Friday schedule for Nov. 2, 2018

First Friday schedule for Nov. 2, 2018

JAHC: Cammie May, “Waterworks,” Juneau Arts & Culture Center, 350 Whittier St, 4:30-7 p.m. Exhibit up through the month. Prince of Wales Artist Cammie May.… Continue reading

First Friday schedule for Nov. 2, 2018
Alyse Galvin, Alaska’s independent candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, holds a town hall-style meeting to an overflowing room at Centennial Hall on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)

Opinion: I’m voting Alyse Galvin for real change

Time is running short. We have a chance to make a real change in Alaska by electing independent candidate Alyse Galvin for U.S. House. Her… Continue reading

Alyse Galvin, Alaska’s independent candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, holds a town hall-style meeting to an overflowing room at Centennial Hall on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)

Opinion: Mike Dunleavy can’t be trusted

I find it disturbing that Mike Dunleavy’s campaign promises are the exact opposite of his record. Before he quit the legislature, he voted for the… Continue reading

Canada’s Messing tops men’s short program at Skate Canada

Canada’s Messing tops men’s short program at Skate Canada

The 26-year-old Messing was born in Girdwood, where he now lives.

Canada’s Messing tops men’s short program at Skate Canada
U.S. Rep. Don Young, left, and Alyse Galvin are shown prior to a debate Friday, Oct. 26, 2018, in Anchorage, Alaska. Galvin, an independent who won the Alaska Democratic primary, is challenging Young, a Republican who is the longest serving member of the House. (Mark Thiessen | Associated Press)

In debate, Rep. Young likens migrant caravan to invasion

Immigration was one of the hot-button issues in Friday night’s debate with independent Alyse Galvin.

U.S. Rep. Don Young, left, and Alyse Galvin are shown prior to a debate Friday, Oct. 26, 2018, in Anchorage, Alaska. Galvin, an independent who won the Alaska Democratic primary, is challenging Young, a Republican who is the longest serving member of the House. (Mark Thiessen | Associated Press)
Opinion: A way to respond to the Pittsburgh shooting

Opinion: A way to respond to the Pittsburgh shooting

I have lived in Alaska for 35 years — first Anchorage and now Haines — but I grew up in the Tree of Life synagogue… Continue reading

Opinion: A way to respond to the Pittsburgh shooting
Two girls participate in a Women of Science and Technology Day in Juneau. (Courtesy Photo | Girl Scouts of Alaska)

Getting more girls interested in math and science

Girls are natural-born scientists.

Two girls participate in a Women of Science and Technology Day in Juneau. (Courtesy Photo | Girl Scouts of Alaska)
In this March 2016 photo, Sen. Mike Dunleavy, R-Wasilla, questions Dr. Susan McCauley, Interim Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, during a Senate Education Committee on SB 191 at the Capitol. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Dunleavy will do what’s right for Alaska

Mike Dunleavy is hard-working, honest, intelligent, trustworthy and the man we need as governor of Alaska. I met Dunleavy at a friend’s house in Kotzebue… Continue reading

In this March 2016 photo, Sen. Mike Dunleavy, R-Wasilla, questions Dr. Susan McCauley, Interim Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, during a Senate Education Committee on SB 191 at the Capitol. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)
Juneau’s salmon seine fleet fills Amalga Harbor in July 2018. (Kevin Gullufsen | Juneau Empire file)
Juneau’s salmon seine fleet fills Amalga Harbor in July 2018. (Kevin Gullufsen | Juneau Empire file)
Planet Alaska: Muskeg Love

Planet Alaska: Muskeg Love

Muskeg life is wet, mushy, juicy, fleshy, tangy, glabrous, globose and glandular.

Planet Alaska: Muskeg Love
Police calls for Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018

Police calls for Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018

This report contains public information available to the Empire from law enforcement and public safety agencies. This report includes arrest and citation information, not conviction… Continue reading

Police calls for Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018
Why young people should vote

Why young people should vote

If you care about what happens in your life, go vote!

Why young people should vote
Chum salmon attempt to swim up Gold Creek as thousands more wait their turn on Monday, August 8, 2017. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Alaskans will not be fooled on Ballot Measure 1

Alaskans will vote on the Stand For Salmon initiative on Nov. 6. The opposition to this measure has used trickery, deception, exaggeration and now outright… Continue reading

Chum salmon attempt to swim up Gold Creek as thousands more wait their turn on Monday, August 8, 2017. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)
Seine boats wait in line to set their nets at Amalga Harbor in July. (Kevin Gullufsen | Juneau Empire)

West Coast fishermen back ballot measure

The largest commercial fishing trade organization on the West Coast announced Monday its support for Ballot Measure 1, which would change how the State of… Continue reading

Seine boats wait in line to set their nets at Amalga Harbor in July. (Kevin Gullufsen | Juneau Empire)
Dentists buying candy for good cause

Dentists buying candy for good cause

Two offices in town are donating Halloween candy.

Dentists buying candy for good cause
Parents, grandparents and friends have fun photographing their young ones on Seward Street for Halloween on Monday, October 31, 2016. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)

Events planned across town before trick-or-treating

Halloween parties are happening from the Valley to downtown.

Parents, grandparents and friends have fun photographing their young ones on Seward Street for Halloween on Monday, October 31, 2016. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)
Opinion: Vote for who’s working for our future

Opinion: Vote for who’s working for our future

Thanks to Gov. Bill Walker for his four years of service. He really did his best to put Alaska first under some tough circumstances. On… Continue reading

Opinion: Vote for who’s working for our future
Opinion: Vote no on Ballot Measure 1

Opinion: Vote no on Ballot Measure 1

Alaska does not have a problem with salmon habitat in its streams and rivers.

Opinion: Vote no on Ballot Measure 1
Opinion: Walker failed as governor

Opinion: Walker failed as governor

Walker’s PFD “tax” has hit those in the lower income range hardest.

Opinion: Walker failed as governor
Police calls for Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018

Police calls for Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018

This report contains public information available to the Empire from law enforcement and public safety agencies. This report includes arrest and citation information, not conviction… Continue reading

Police calls for Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018