Alaska senators among 12 Republicans to support bill.
Respondents generally report positive impact, but shine light on some challenges.
Residences safely evacuated in two separate blazes.
Alaska certain to revive the debate during coming months as many nationwide hail it as a success.
Winds between 60-70 mph expected.
“We just want to give a big heartfelt thank you to everyone for their support.”
Shopping spirits soar for new and longtime vendors from near and far at 40th Juneau Public Market
That’s what election experts expected. Critics suggest units more about politics than finding fraud.
Murkowski and Peltola may be key swing votes, Tshibaka the biggest “winner” of losers, analysts say.
Eight Republicans join nine Democrats after many years of Republican rule
Resumption of in-person communal Thanksgiving meal offers many blessings for diners and volunteers
Market’s first return since 2018.
News follows a two-month investigation.
Climate change in the Arctic and Alaska is substantial; we can see signals it has arrived…”
Fun in the briefly shining sun.
Economic and weather storms a setback, but post-pandemic participation by shoppers promising
Ranked choice results mean legislative leadership future is unclear.
Thanksgiving food baskets and communal gathering provide traditional meal for thousands
FBI shares tips to avoid being scammed during busy shopping season.