As of July 1 monthly permits at both parking sites will cost $70 and annual permits $770.
The flowers are sold in multiple businesses around the central peninsula
Development furthers Juneau’s already perilous pet care shortage.
‘You work the hand your dealt with.’
Hagevig served two terms on the Assembly, was one of 11 Alaskans to carry the Olympic Torch in ‘96.
“Mid-range” forecast shows over 1,000-student reduction by 2032.
He was also fined $5,000, ordered to serve three years of supervised release
A deficit is projected, additional federal funds are not.
Jackson will be just the third Black justice, after Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.
Rules were part of a ballot measure that overhauled Alaska’s elections system.
“People, not government,” was the prevailing sentiment.
City eyes an initial defecit.