KENAI —Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Charlie Pierce, a hopeful for the Alaska governor’s seat, has tapped Edie Grunwald as his running mate. Pierce made the… Continue reading
“The whole idea is providing people with tools and empowering people.”
The practice comes as part of an Alaska-wide exercise.
The competitive race for mushers and their dogs starts Sunday in Willow.
The uplift of the land is actually outsripping sea level rise here in Juneau
The governor issued a statment directing state agencies to identify and divest, if appropriate.
Legislative action needed.
He’s currently being held at Lemon Creek Correctional Center.
Schools, the hospital, the airport and public transit are subject to different rules.
Opponents say courts will strike it down.
Harbor fees are now linked to consumer price index.
UA President: Infrastructure jobs are coming, Alaskans could fill them.
Against bigger teams with significantly easier commutes, they carved to a solid second.
Senior Night and suicide prevention
Dividend amount under debate.
Nuclear power is not the panacea for climate change.
From Juneau to the Arctic Circle, servicemembers will be practicing their cold-weather warfare.
Yearly wages rose 11% when adjusted for inflation — or approximately $5,809 annually — from 2010 to 2020