The officer being investigated has worked for the department since 2016.
It won’t change his commute too much.
The invasion began Wednesday evening, Alaska time after a long military buildup.
The proposed plan generated hundreds of public comments from residents, organizations and agencies.
The sanctions target Russian banks, oligarchs and high-tech sectors,
Auditors warned of bad data for years.
Minor injuries from broken glass were reported, but no-one was shot.
Three hopefuls have put their hats in the ring.
A two vehicle collision is blocking traffic on Dilworth
Murkowski said she respects “a woman’s right to control her choice with reproductive health
He’s an artist, a farmer, a sailor and a baseball enthusiast.
Senator talks working across the aisle in annual address.
Among the immediate effects is an indefinite delay in planned oil and gas lease sales.
The Pebble Mine permitting process stinks.
‘War is our default setting.’
Wood as a biological entity, not as a commodity to be sold or a nuisance to be removed.