

On The Trails: Spending sunny days at beaches and tide flats

Maybe it’s really spring!

The Alaska State Capitol remained closed to the public on Monday, April 26, 2021, but with high rates of vaccinations among staff, lawmakers have relaxed some of the health rules in place since the start of the session in January. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire)
The Alaska State Capitol remained closed to the public on Monday, April 26, 2021, but with high rates of vaccinations among staff, lawmakers have relaxed some of the health rules in place since the start of the session in January. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire)
Thunder Mountain High School seniors celebrate their graduation on Sunday, May 26, 2019. The class of 2020 was forced to skip graduation ceremonies due to COVID-19 restrictions. Discussions are underway to allow the class of 2021 an opportunity to participate in commencement in accordance with CBJ’s mitigation strategies. (Michael Penn / Juneau Empire File)

Plans coming together for COVID-conscious graduation, prom

Plans coming together for COVID-style graduation, prom

Thunder Mountain High School seniors celebrate their graduation on Sunday, May 26, 2019. The class of 2020 was forced to skip graduation ceremonies due to COVID-19 restrictions. Discussions are underway to allow the class of 2021 an opportunity to participate in commencement in accordance with CBJ’s mitigation strategies. (Michael Penn / Juneau Empire File)
Gov. Mike Dunleavy sits beside a case containing COVID-19 vaccine doses as he waits near a floatplane dock on Thursday, April 22, 2021, in Ketchikan, Alaska. State health officials have said Alaska has an ample supply of COVID-19 vaccines, and Dunleavy, who flew from Ketchikan to Hyder, Alaska, said he wanted to offer vaccines not only to residents of Hyder but also to Canadians across the border from Hyder in Stewart, British Columbia. (AP Photo/Becky Bohrer)

AP interview: Alaska governor shares vaccine with Canada

Dunleavy offered vaccines to small B.C. town in hopes of Canada easing restrictions on Hyder.

  • Apr 26, 2021
  • By Becky Bohrer Associated Press
Gov. Mike Dunleavy sits beside a case containing COVID-19 vaccine doses as he waits near a floatplane dock on Thursday, April 22, 2021, in Ketchikan, Alaska. State health officials have said Alaska has an ample supply of COVID-19 vaccines, and Dunleavy, who flew from Ketchikan to Hyder, Alaska, said he wanted to offer vaccines not only to residents of Hyder but also to Canadians across the border from Hyder in Stewart, British Columbia. (AP Photo/Becky Bohrer)
Sen. Lora Reinbold, R-Eagle River, holds a news conference in front of the doors to the Senate chambers on Thursday, March 4, 2021. Reinbold has been banned from Alaska Airlines flights for refusing to comply with the airline’s mask [policy. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)

Airline bans Reinbold for violating mask rules

Alaska Airlines has banned an Alaska state senator for refusing to follow mask requirements. “We have notified Senator Lora Reinbold that she is not permitted… Continue reading

Sen. Lora Reinbold, R-Eagle River, holds a news conference in front of the doors to the Senate chambers on Thursday, March 4, 2021. Reinbold has been banned from Alaska Airlines flights for refusing to comply with the airline’s mask [policy. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)

Gimme A Smile: What national day is it today?

You don’t need to wait until May 31 to smile.

  • Apr 25, 2021
  • By Peggy McKee Barnhill For the Juneau Empire
Wolf tracks on a winter trail not far from Fairbanks. (Courtesy Photo / Ned Rozell)

Alaska Science Forum: Spring arrives on final cabin trip

As we skied along a packed ribbon of snow, the wolf tracks were a surprise.

Wolf tracks on a winter trail not far from Fairbanks. (Courtesy Photo / Ned Rozell)
In the past, Gov. Mike Dunleavy's cuts to the Alaska Marine Highway System drew out protestors, like those seen here in Juneau in this Feb. 11, 2020, file photo, but the governor has backed off cuts, and even partnered with lawmakers to use federal funds to bolster the system. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)

Lawmakers, governor propose using $76 million in federal relief for ferries

“That’s the direction we’re going unless something derails it.”

In the past, Gov. Mike Dunleavy's cuts to the Alaska Marine Highway System drew out protestors, like those seen here in Juneau in this Feb. 11, 2020, file photo, but the governor has backed off cuts, and even partnered with lawmakers to use federal funds to bolster the system. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)
Courtesy photo/Troop 11 
Scouts from BSA Troop 11 gathered and donated 562 pounds of food to the food bank at Resurrection Lutheran Church on April 17. The troop meets at the downtown church and collected food from the surrounding neighborhoods.

Scouting for Food helps stock local food pantries

Local Scouts collected more than 9,000 pounds of food

Courtesy photo/Troop 11 
Scouts from BSA Troop 11 gathered and donated 562 pounds of food to the food bank at Resurrection Lutheran Church on April 17. The troop meets at the downtown church and collected food from the surrounding neighborhoods.
Rear Adm. Nathan A. Moore, new commander for Coast Guard District 17, holds a fortune from a fortune cookie that reads "Blessed is that man who has found his work." Moore said he received the fortune on his first day in Juneau and he found it fitting as he was poised to take his new post. (Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire)
Rear Adm. Nathan A. Moore, new commander for Coast Guard District 17, holds a fortune from a fortune cookie that reads "Blessed is that man who has found his work." Moore said he received the fortune on his first day in Juneau and he found it fitting as he was poised to take his new post. (Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire)
Mayor Beth Weldon speaks at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2019 Community Celebration at St. Paul’s Catholic Church on Monday, Jan. 21, 2019. On Friday, she announced that she is running for another term as mayor. (Michael Penn /Juneau Empire File)
Mayor Beth Weldon speaks at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2019 Community Celebration at St. Paul’s Catholic Church on Monday, Jan. 21, 2019. On Friday, she announced that she is running for another term as mayor. (Michael Penn /Juneau Empire File)
Thanks to COVID-19 vaccines, the members of the New Squids on the Dock were able to gather and look over the hardware they won in the Tsunami Bowl, a regional ocean science academic competition. The team from Juneau-Douglas High School: Yadaa.at Kalé is now busy preparing for the upcoming national competition. From left to right, team members include Elin Antaya, Jack Marx, team captain Tias Carney, Adrian Whitney and Addy Mallot. (Courtesy photo/Shannon Easterly)

Swimming in the intellectual deep end

JDHS NOSB team prepares for the national competition

Thanks to COVID-19 vaccines, the members of the New Squids on the Dock were able to gather and look over the hardware they won in the Tsunami Bowl, a regional ocean science academic competition. The team from Juneau-Douglas High School: Yadaa.at Kalé is now busy preparing for the upcoming national competition. From left to right, team members include Elin Antaya, Jack Marx, team captain Tias Carney, Adrian Whitney and Addy Mallot. (Courtesy photo/Shannon Easterly)
Michael S. Lockett / Juneau Empire 
Rear Adm. Matthew Bell is retiring from command of Coast Guard District 17 after 36 years of service in the Coast Guard.

Coast Guard District 17 CO looks back on decades of service

Big things are coming for Alaska, the admiral says.

Michael S. Lockett / Juneau Empire 
Rear Adm. Matthew Bell is retiring from command of Coast Guard District 17 after 36 years of service in the Coast Guard.
Jeff Rogers, CBJ's finance director, joined the April 22 Greater Juneau Chamber of Commerce Alaska Business Roundtable's Zoom meeting to explain why commercial properties have recently been reassessed and what it means for business and property owners in the borough. (Screenshot)
Jeff Rogers, CBJ's finance director, joined the April 22 Greater Juneau Chamber of Commerce Alaska Business Roundtable's Zoom meeting to explain why commercial properties have recently been reassessed and what it means for business and property owners in the borough. (Screenshot)
Michael S. Lockett / Juneau Empire 
A proposal to the Docks and Harbors board to double residency fees for live-aboard residents of Juneau’s harbors have rankled many.

Docks and Harbors floats idea of live-aboard fee increase

Live-aboard residents less than thrilled about potential doubling of residency fee.

Michael S. Lockett / Juneau Empire 
A proposal to the Docks and Harbors board to double residency fees for live-aboard residents of Juneau’s harbors have rankled many.
From left to right, Reps. Neal Foster, D-Nome, Chris Tuck, D-Anchorage, and Calvin Schrage, I-Anchorage, speak to reporters on Thursday, April 22, 2021. As the end of the legislative session approaches, some lawmakers are trying to speed up work on the budget. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire)
From left to right, Reps. Neal Foster, D-Nome, Chris Tuck, D-Anchorage, and Calvin Schrage, I-Anchorage, speak to reporters on Thursday, April 22, 2021. As the end of the legislative session approaches, some lawmakers are trying to speed up work on the budget. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire)
This photo shows Emigrant Peak rising above the Paradise Valley and the Yellowstone River near Emigrant, Mont. The Biden administration has nominated a longtime environmental advocate and Democratic aide, Tracy Stone-Manning, to oversee roughly 250 million acres of public lands as director of the Bureau of Land Management. (AP Photo / Matthew Brown)

Biden taps Montana environmentalist for US public lands boss

She was nominated on Thursday to direct the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management.

This photo shows Emigrant Peak rising above the Paradise Valley and the Yellowstone River near Emigrant, Mont. The Biden administration has nominated a longtime environmental advocate and Democratic aide, Tracy Stone-Manning, to oversee roughly 250 million acres of public lands as director of the Bureau of Land Management. (AP Photo / Matthew Brown)
Gov. Mike Dunleavy speaks at a press conference promoting tourism on April 9, 2021. Dunleavy posted a video to social media saying he had received a COVID-19 vaccine, and urged Alaskans to do the same. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire file)
Gov. Mike Dunleavy speaks at a press conference promoting tourism on April 9, 2021. Dunleavy posted a video to social media saying he had received a COVID-19 vaccine, and urged Alaskans to do the same. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire file)
TMHS Infielder Mariah Tanuvasa-Tuvaifale drives a ball during a recent scrimmage held at the high school. (Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire)

Softball season is now in full swing

TMHS, JDHS travel for games against Southeast teams.

TMHS Infielder Mariah Tanuvasa-Tuvaifale drives a ball during a recent scrimmage held at the high school. (Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire)
Alaska Airlines and SkyNRG formed a partnership to advance sustainable aviation fuel made from municipal solid waste, the airline announced, as part of its steps towards making the airline a net-zero emissions industry. (Courtesy photo / Alaska Airlines)

Net-zero emissions, cleaner fuel… and planes that run on waste?

Alaska Airlines announces environmental commitments and efforts.

Alaska Airlines and SkyNRG formed a partnership to advance sustainable aviation fuel made from municipal solid waste, the airline announced, as part of its steps towards making the airline a net-zero emissions industry. (Courtesy photo / Alaska Airlines)