Southeast Alaska-inspired poems by Monique Crisafi.
“It’s the largest sockeye hatchery in the world. Two-hundred and sixty miles from the ocean.”
New book of poetry reflects on 50 years of living in Southeast
There’s way more than blue genes.
It’s not that anglers want things to be difficult, we just enjoy the payoff of time and experience…
There’s free ice cream, too.
A walk near a shallow lake was the highlight.
He keeps on traveling “Down That Road”
“Stretching as far as the eye could reach … were hundreds — no, thousands — of little volcanoes.”
“Buttercups”—the name conjures up an image of lots of bright yellow flowers, which we enjoyed recently in Cowee Meadows and which brighten the roadsides. But,… Continue reading
Tasting 13,000-year-old volcanic ash.
At the mouth of Cowee Creek, sometime in mid-June, we’d found a vigilant pair of black oystercatchers, presumably with a nest nearby. A couple of… Continue reading
We didn’t find the fish. We found a fish. A fish that was too small.
The economy in Southeast Alaska is as evergreen as the lush temperate rainforest.
Nosing their way upstream, salmon are a swimming package of protein, fats, and nutrients…
The elderberry plant reminds us to celebrate our Elders.
“As June progressed, there was an assortment of interesting observations in my yard.”
By Ned Rozell A GREEN PLATEAU NORTH OF LITUYA BAY — “These are museum-class bonsais,” Ben Gaglioti says as we walk through an elfin forest.… Continue reading
“Blue Ticket” is set to hit the big screen and streaming services.