23 million Americans would lose health care

Dear U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan,

I just read a newspaper article the title of which was “Health care Repeal.” That headline prompted me to get out my trusty Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary and look up the word “repeal.” The definition is as follows:

Repeal: transitive verb (14th century)

1: to rescind or annul by authoritative act; esp: to revoke or abrogate by legislative enactment.

2: abandon, renounce.

Should you vote yes on health care repeal, you will indeed do precisely that. You will rescind, annul, revoke, abrogate, abandon and renounce health care for 23 million citizens.

I urge you each to vote no on health care repeal.

Nothing needs to be repealed to reform (a: to put or change into an improved form or condition. b: to amend or improve by change of form) the Affordable Care Act.

Please do that.

William Dillon,
