I am a University of Alaska Southeast Master of Public Administration degree program student taking Economics and Public Policy this semester. My class semester project is to examine a current economic issue from an economist’s viewpoint. I chose to examine the current state budget issue and the pros, cons and feasibilities of Alaska participating in a multi-state lottery as a partial budget solution.
The first question in the feasibility of the idea is whether there is sufficient desire among Alaska residents to play in a multi-state lottery such as Powerball. If no one wants to play there is no reason to consider the option. I created a Survey Monkey survey designed to determine if there is interest for such lottery games in Alaska. I noted in the introduction to the survey, if there appears to be sufficient desire for Alaska residents to participate in a lottery, I will follow-up and present my findings to state legislators for them to consider. I posted a link to the survey on my public Facebook page (Tracy Hammonds Hansen) or you can go directly to the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XP63R36. Please consider responding to my survey and giving me your honest answers. The survey contains 13 multiple choice and yes/no questions. It does not take long to complete. Thank you in advance for your response.
Tracy Hansen,