As Alaska’s COVID-infection rate tops the national charts, I wanted to say what a comfort it is that our own Gov. Mike Dunleavy is standing so strong against those radical leftists who want him to follow the science to keep us safe.
What a bunch of hooey!
Just because our brothers, sisters, parents children and friends are dying at an unprecedented rate, that’s no reason to do what the doctors and epidemiologists tell us we need to do to beat the pandemic! Of course mask mandates and vaccine mandates will bring our infection rates down. Why, they might even get us back to a point where we don’t need to triage patient admissions in all of our hospitals! Elective surgeries might become possible again! But Dunleavy is my hero for refusing to let thousands of unnecessary infections and deaths trample on my God-given right to run around infecting whoever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want.
God bless him!
Paul Grant,
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