With revelations about the legal troubles of two school board candidates, I am especially pleased to see that longtime resident Will Muldoon has stepped up as a write-in candidate for the Board of Education. Muldoon is an excellent choice for the School Board.
I have known him more than 20 years and always have admired his intelligence, energy and commitment to community. He already has held public service positions in Juneau and understands that being a board member means dedication, doing one’s homework and listening to the public. He also is a product of Juneau public schools.
I worked as a teacher and administrator with the Juneau School District for more than 20 years and have seen up close the complexity of managing a large budget and complicated system. Muldoon most certainly is up to the task.
I urge voters who care about the integrity of our elected officials to write in Will Muldoon for School Board.
Laury Scandling