(Juneau Empire file photo)

Letter: Allow locals to have their town back once a week during the summer

Perhaps Nate Vallier shrugs when he sees eagles and bears (My Turn, May 29), floating icebergs at the glacier, orcas in the channel, but I never ever shrug. I still get excited and thankful for every time I see the eagles flying around my house, the orcas in the channel, bears coming through the neighborhood. I never take what we have here for granted,

You cannot go downtown any longer to see the orcas in the channel because you can’t see the channel for the tour ships.

After the last cruise ships leave in the fall, walking on the dock is magical. It is so quiet and peaceful. We can breathe. You can see and smell the salt water, and the mountains and sunsets. It feels is so joyous to have our beautiful city back.

When our children were young we spent many days hiking around the trails at glacier, stopping for little picnics on the moraine trial in a place we called “the leafy spot.” Now you can’t even drive to the glacier.

We have given it all way for the sake of the mighty dollar.

I don’t blame the tourists and I understand why they would want to visit this wet and wonderful place. But can’t we have a day for us, for our children and our children’s children?

I have lived in Juneau for over 60 years and I don’t go downtown in the summer anymore.

Lisa Rickey
