(Juneau Empire file photo)

(Juneau Empire file photo)

Letter: An education lession for Begich

Rep. Begich has no public opinion on the dismantling of the Department of Education yet, although Linda McMahon is soon to be confirmed as Education Commissioner with this directive from the president.

DOE provides over 20% of the funding for Alaska public schools — $571.4 million in 2024, $4,270 per student. Every school in Alaska is dependent on this and nearly 10% of our teachers are funded through federal aid. In the recently released report “Nation’s Report Card” Alaskan eighth graders ranked 51st out of the 52 jurisdictions measured for reading. Alaskan fourth graders ranked 51 out of 53 in math.

The state Legislature, led by Rep. Rebecca Himschoot is advocating for Alaska students through HB69 which would raise the Base Student Allocation more than $1,000 this year, an effort we all should support. Education costs have risen 40% in 10 years, but the state has only increased the BSA 10%. So one wonders what else Rep. Begich needs to learn to understand the critical role the federal Department of Education plays in the fitness of Alaska’s public education. Dismantling the Department of Education is a direct attack on public education, we must fight this.

Tory OʼConnell Curran
