(Juneau Empire file photo)

Letter: Best choice is Begich

I don’t know about you, but I am ready to vote, learn the results, and move on.

I am old enough to remember when on election night, or the day after if we didn’t want to stay up late, we knew the outcome. Vote by mail locally and rank choice voting for state and federal elections adds several days to getting definitive results.

Having worked on a few campaigns (walking the talk), I know there is a lot to do after Election Day, but my first task is always making sure candidate signs are taken down boroughwide.

We have Nick Begich yard signs up, and our neighbor a Peltola sign. Some of the Begich signs have been taken twice but tracked down or replaced. This morning, I noticed the neighbor’s Peltola sign missing, but they left the stake. For a few people in this town, free speech evidently depends on whom you are supporting.

We support Nick Begich because of a conversation with Nick on the national debt that clinched our vote for him. The feds ended the fiscal year with a $1.8 trillion deficit and the national debt approaching $36 trillion. The interest alone on our borrowing will surpass the trillion-dollar mark for the first time. Nick addresses the deficit issue, understands the consequences for our kids and grandkids — and offers approaches to deal with it.

Nick Begich has our vote and our thanks for running for office.

And as for the people stealing signs, got nuthin’ for you.

Ken Koelsch