(Juneau Empire file photo)

Letter: Clear and present flooding danger – unaddressed

I Zoomed in to last Monday’s CBJ Assembly Committee of the Whole meeting. The Assembly discussed current actions to mitigate the glacial outburst flood (jökulhlaup) hazard in the Mendenhall Valley.

It appears the city will spend $400,000 to “study” what areas might be impacted. The CBJ may also contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on a matching fund basis for $3 million to do some form of flood mitigation at some undetermined time and location(s). Perhaps big sandbags.

It was noted that Suicide Basin – the source of the flood waters – has refilled halfway back to the level existing at the time of the Aug. 5 flood. We might suffer another flood this year. That sounds like a crisis. The Assembly’s response? I did hear that fire engines might drive around the Valley.

If ever there was an emergency in Juneau, this is it. We need to implement flood control measures in the Valley. We need a bonafide evacuation plan with all associated resources, personnel and money.

Who will stand up for Juneau and demand action? We don’t need regulatory gobbly gook and a five year wait for an EIS. Get on the phone, get on a plane to D.C. and get Congress to free up funding. Put some heads together and design a flood control system. Line up some contractors and get to work.

Property values of homes that cannot be sold are wiping out family savings. Lives are at risk. Get moving, Mayor Weldon. Somebody, please, take the lead.

Frank Bergstrom
