Letter: Enough of ‘No, not me’

There was a time when a disaster hit Alaska, that Alaskans pulled together to help. The state of Alaska is now in a financial disaster, but instead of everyone helping I hear people saying, “Not me.”

We are facing a $3.5 to $4 billion budget deficit. People are saying don’t touch my PFD and don’t tax me. The tobacco industry is saying don’t add more taxes to tobacco. The alcohol industry is saying don’t add more taxes on alcohol. Mining, fishing and logging are saying don’t add more taxes on us. The oil companies are saying don’t reduce our tax credits. Employees are saying don’t lay us off.

Everyone thinks the Legislature needs to fix the problem — but to choose someone else to be part of the solution, “not me.” If everyone gets their way, then the state of Alaska will be bankrupt in a few years and people will blame the Legislature for not fixing the problem.

Gary Miller
