Letter: Full investigation by city into Steven Kissack’s death is needed

The CBJ must conduct a thorough and public investigation into the fatal shooting of Steven Kissack.

I was not present and did not witness the event. However, I attended a vigil at Resurrection Lutheran Church on Tuesday evening, July 16, and listened as heartbroken and sometimes angry people shared their reactions to Steven Kissack’s death.

It appears that police shot an outnumbered and probably frightened man, and that he was shot repeatedly in the back as he tried to run away. In the back. As he tried to leave.

Over the last few years, I have heard stories about the callous treatment some of our citizens have received at the hands of the JPD. Although I am certain that most officers are good people who make every effort to protect and serve our community, if even a few of these stories are true, something needs to be done to guarantee that the police are held accountable for their actions.

The CBJ must increase its oversight of the police, provide additional mandatory training to avoid racial and social profiling, and better equip officers to deal with mental health crises.

The investigation into the fatal shooting of Steven Kissack must be comprehensive and made public. We deserve to know what happened and why.

We all deserve fair, just and equal treatment by the police regardless of our race, ethnicity, gender identification…or our mental health, social and economic status.

Alison Talley
