Letter: Kate for Assembly

Life as a working parent is busy and expensive. From paying for essentials like child care and health care and a few “unnecessary” but enriching activities like soccer and dance, it’s a wonder how there will be any money for college. And then there are friends who are single parents and are in a constant state of panic just trying to make ends meet from day to day.

I’ve never really understood why high-earning seniors should automatically get a sales tax exemption and not, for example, working parents with young kids who are struggling to pay for child care. Why don’t we all get an exemption? Or better yet, why don’t we all contribute based on our ability to do so? Those who truly can’t afford it can get a needs-based exemption, no matter your age.

A vibrant community is not something that just happens — people have to be willing to invest time and money to develop cultural events, recreational facilities, strong schools and a robust economy. And a vibrant community requires people of all ages that are actively engaged – young people, working families, and seniors.

I’ve talked with Kate Troll on sunny days when she would surely rather be out in the mountains or on a boat, but was instead at home studying the CBJ budget so she could be prepared for the next Assembly meeting. She’s worked hard on behalf of the people of Juneau to seek out balanced solutions. What would this town be like if we were all willing to contribute as much as Kate does? Kate has my vote because of her dedication to making Juneau a place that people of all ages love to call home.

Emily Ferry,
