Letter: Muñoz not like others in House majority

I normally do not get too involved in political races but due to the totally unjustified inferences and accusations of her opponent, I am compelled to stand up for Cathy Muñoz and help set the record straight.

Some want to paint her with the same brush we would tar the many legislators who were either too scared, too selfish or too stupid to take serious action last session. Cathy was one of the few that stood up and stood out in support of the governors’ fiscal plan working diligently across party lines to get it passed. If it had your PFD would have been $1,500 this year.

I have known Cathy for many years, observing her in action both on the City and Borough of Juneau Assembly and in the Legislature. I have always been impressed by her dedication and effectiveness and any time she is participating it is obvious that she has thoroughly done her homework.

Recently I had the opportunity to present her with an idea for legislation that would help municipalities encourage development. For a decade I had various legislators and bureaucrats promise to do something with it but nothing ever happened. In three months Cathy helped refine it, presented it and had it passed. That is how she works. She hears the issue, weighs its merits, evaluates its chance for success and takes action.

No posturing, no grandstanding, just action. If you want to elect someone who is honest, fair, compassionate, hard working and effective, please join me in voting for Cathy Muñoz.

Dave Hanna
