(Juneau Empire file photo)

Letter: Peltola offers patient tolerance amidst the partisanship of the Lower 48,

Mary Peltola has been courageous as our congressional proxy, dedicating her whole self to facilitating our civil pursuit of personal fulfillment — sanctioning the highest amount of private, or personal liberty allowed without impinging on the personal or private liberties of others. Her qualities must be the objective of all democratically-created republics. Democracy is the only form of governance by which the fairest, or most-just, distribution of planet resources and legitimized by personal liberty can be achieved.

Though I may have a slew of critique on our cultural application of that verity, in its purest sense, as a governing objective our nation has been using to perfect our union, since adopting the Constitution created by our forefathers and penned by Jefferson back in the 18th century. Democracy is the most egalitarian and least repressive allocation of Earth’s resources, while safeguarding private dignity, available. The only thing we must do to continue thriving in her patient tolerance amidst the partisanship of the Lower 48, is to return her as our proxy to Washington D.C.

John Sonin
