Letter: People are too sensitive

People are way too sensitive these days. I apologize on behalf of the homosexuals in this town (for which I am one) for the slew of emails (and any other form of correspondence you may receive) that are full of heart-felt, sensitive, and “likely harsh” reactions to the cartoon ad in today’s paper depicting a transgender person trying on a deodorant. I believe it was the intent of this organization to lighten the national mood surrounding this topic.

I, for one, saw this cartoon for what it is. It is my hope that moving forward, your organization can realize the power behind these graphics and use them as an opportunity bridge the cultural divide ever apparent (and growing) in our nation, and while not always possible, keep that mission close at heart.

Keep up the good work — and if you need any assistance with coming up with a rebuttal to their outcry, please let me know.

Randy Brown,
