(Juneau Empire file photo)

Letter: The tragedy of the commons

The commons in Juneau are many. We share clean air, clean water, wildlife, tranquility and easy access to outdoor activities.

Our community has accepted these commons without thought.

But that is where the tragedy can occur. The tragedy of the commons occurs when excessive use degrades or destroys that which our community enjoys.

Our visitor numbers have increased from about 1 million in 2016 to over 1.6 million in 2023. The number of visitors has increased over 60%, our commons have not. The increase threatens to destroy the common benefits the citizens have shared for many years.

In 2016, our businesses enjoyed the benefits of the 1 million visitors. No one mentioned then that the numbers were not high enough to ensure an adequate return to the merchants.

Now, while all wish to continue the benefits of the commons, continued growth is not the solution to the economic viability of our community.

Our commons do have limitations and a return to a more sustainable number of visitors will enable all to enjoy the commons without a tragedy.

A 15% decrease from the 2023 numbers would still be a 40% increase from the 2016 numbers. We heard no concerns about disastrous business effects of insufficient visitors in 2016.

Let us continue to enjoy our commons and prevent the tragedy that could occur if the numbers continue at the current level or even increase. You will make your personal decision about the prevention of the tragedy of the commons in Juneau.

Vote “yes” on Ship-Free Saturdays in October.

Sally Willson
