Letter: Vote for fiscally responsible principles in this year’s municipal election

Last year, I led Save Juneau, the group that urged a “no” vote on a new City Hall. We knew from going door-to-door in the Mendenhall Valley that both the Aug. 5, 2023, flood and taxation were voters’ most important issues — not a new City Hall.

In response to what we were hearing we mailed voters a postcard with a graphic of a scale showing a new City Hall on one side. On the opposite side of the scale we listed real Juneau needs. At the top of that list was flood resiliency followed by reasonable taxation.

The voters agreed a new City Hall was not the community’s priority. We wish flood resiliency had been more important than spending $50,000 to try to convince us to vote for a new City Hall.

Save Juneau hopes this year Juneau voters carefully study each candidate and ballot question. Assess how each candidate will work within city government to find sensible common ground, and stand firm on fiscally responsible principles. It’s the only way we will ever make Juneau safe and affordable.

Molly Duvall

Chair, Save Juneau

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