(Juneau Empire file photo)

Letter: When politics was fun

With the state and nation so divided, politics are no fun. Here’s a memory of a time when legislators reached across the aisle and worked together to create the Permanent Fund and address issues related to completion of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. There even was time for fun.

As a reporter for the Associated Press in the mid-1970s, Rep. Ed Naughton, D-Kodiak, harshly criticized the budget proposed by Andy Warwick, commissioner of administration, and I had to get a response from Warwick.

After many calls to him, I finally got a response from a hungover Warwick, who replied that Naughton wouldn’t know a budget if it “bit him in the ass.”

After consulting with my mentor, longtime bureau chief John Greely about using the quote, I was given the go-ahead. The next day Naughton found a budget document on his chair in the House Finance Committee. One of his staffers drew a replica of the “Jaws” shark with its mouth wide open on the cover of the document.

A few days later Gov. Jay Hammond was giving his State of the State address, and he mentioned Naughton’s initiative to repeal limited entry. He said Naughton was a tough adversary despite his “tender, toothed-scarred hind end.” All legislators burst into laughter, but no one laughed as hard as Naughton who nearly fell off his chair.

I look forward to a time when lawmakers will work together and politics won’t be so dark.

Rodger Painter
