Opinion: A not-so green deal

Opinion: A not-so green deal

Proctor and Gamble’s paper product marketing campaign epitomizes the delusional dialectic that is co-opting democracy with its misinformation and brainwashing those less informed with populist appeals. Destroying boreal forest in Canada under the pretext of purveying “green” products is about as oxymoronic as claiming petroleum is “green” because it’s all-natural. Big corporations can market under this ploy because consumers are betrothed to excess through the Reaganomic fiasco enabled by Newt Gingrich and the Republican Party Ayn Rand, supply side economic fallacy.

It is my nation’s onus to fix this catastrophic climate runaway, on the brink of which we teeter. It is our de-balancing of Mother Earth’s “economy of energy-flows,” wasteful in consuming excesses since industrialization but ungoverned over the last 35-years of Reaganomics, that gave P&G the means to capitalize the capitalist’s dictum of profit-maximization by provoking the diminution of unbiased public education, consumer regulation and in essence, the self-sovereign, Golden Rule of self-control, in the private consuming capitalist’s need for preference and individual “freedom of choice” — not unlike the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries.

Though disaster looms more imminent with every passing hour. If we can heed our innate, inborn, Golden Rule of self-control as we bide our time until November’s ballot, reneging this Republican surrealism can still be realized. Alaska has a two-thirds opportunity to free ourselves of this diminution and the Proctor & Gamble excess profit, prevaricating a marketing spin of being “green” may no-longer be sanctioned to misinform.

John S. Sonin.


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