The Governor’s Mansion in downtown Juneau. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)

The Governor’s Mansion in downtown Juneau. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Budget cuts are an assault on Alaska’s most vulnerable

Dunleavy must be governor for all Alaskans.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy is a bully.

His draconian cuts to the university, schools, power equalization and ferries are shortsighted and foolish. It’s like eating your seed corn in tough times. It will only make it more difficult to create the kind of Alaska that will support all areas of the state, and provide a young population that is educated, entrepreneurial and wants to raise children here.

[Opinion: Dunleavy’s budget: Malfeasance or misfeasance?]

But his further cuts to social services are even worse. His proposal to cut funding to services that help the homeless, the mentally ill, disabled and uninsured is criminal.

The job losses that will come under his proposals will only make these problems grow. Huge increases in Pioneer Home fees is frightening to the population that created this great state. Dunleavy said he won’t push anyone out, but what is he going to do, let them stay but stop feeding them?

[Opinion: A message to the elders affected by Gov. Dunleavy’s budget]

These assaults on the most vulnerable in the state are unchristian, immoral and evil, especially when he bows down to the oil industry. We must join together so he will not prevail. He must be the governor for all Alaskans.

Lucy Merrell,


• My Turns and Letters to the Editor represent the view of the author, not the view of the Juneau Empire.