It worked!
It is all over but the shouting. The tumultuous 2020 election cycle is nearly complete. In spite of a record turn out, a beleaguered postal system, the lethal pandemic, rumors of fraud, endless conspiracy theories, and legions of self-serving politicians who said it couldn’t be done. The system actually worked! Go figure!. How did we do it?
You need look no further that the dedicated, hardworking men and women of the USPS who put in 80 hour seeks to make sure that millions of mailed in ballots were collected and delivered on time. These civil servants could not be bought, sold or intimidated. So too for the thousands of local poll workers who dedicated themselves to the basic proposition that every vote must be counted. They were a perfect example of grace under pressure.
Americans should be proud of these people who showed the world why our nation is so special. And so, when the next President is sworn into office, he should take a moment to recognize the dedication and sacrifice of these “average” Americans, who by sheer force of will, overcome tremendous obstacles and made our democratic electoral process work.
If the current or future president can’t or won’t say thanks, then you and I should.
Gregory Capito,
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