With 22.1 million acres of land in our state managed by the Bureau of Land Management, Alaska has a lot to gain if the agency is put in good hands. For years, the agency has lacked permanent leadership, and it’s finally time for a leader who can help us manage our lands in a way that centers transparency, economic stability, and environmental wellness. The Sierra Club believes Tracy Stone-Manning is the right person for the job.
Stone-Manning is a coalition builder who’s led work in both the public and private sector. In her tenure, she prioritized collaboration to make decisions that benefitted the most people and our long-term well-being. Our public lands will be key in solving our modern-day challenges: the changing climate, our state’s economy, and biodiversity health. Stone-Manning’s resume includes serving as vice president for public lands at the National Wildlife Federation, chief of staff for a governor, director of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and a senior adviser to a U.S. Senator. In all of these roles, she showed commitment to ensuring our lands remain in the trust and benefit of all Americans. Right now, our lands, water, and wildlife are facing major threats; Alaska needs a leader like Stone-Manning who has deep experience. I urge Sen. Lisa Murkowski to make a commitment to our future by confirming Tracy Stone-Manning.
Andrea Feniger,