Letters to the Editor

Letter: Editorial shows lack of judgement

The author of the Empire’s Sept 24. editorial “Reckless endangerment” should be relieved of future editorial responsibilities. It is so full of hate, hyperbole, insult,… Continue reading

  • Sep 25, 2015

Tulsequah Chief Mine

It is heartening to see BC Minister Bill Bennett visited the Taku River and flew over the Tulsequah Chief mine when he was in Juneau… Continue reading

  • Sep 22, 2015

Senior sales tax exemption

I think it is unfortunate that Mr. Arnold Liebelt, who published a Sept. 20 letter in the Juneau Empire, does not understand why seniors were… Continue reading

  • Sep 22, 2015

Fund Alzheimer’s research

In 2015, there are more than five million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, including 6,400 in Alaska. In addition, there are 15.7 million Americans caring… Continue reading

  • Sep 21, 2015

In support of Fisk

Greg Fisk is an innovative, solution-oriented businessman who would serve Juneau well as its next mayor. I’ve known Greg for years. He raised his family… Continue reading

  • Sep 20, 2015

CBJ – the land of unintended tax consequences

If you are a senior and on a low fixed income, watch out! The City and Borough of Juneau is going to reduce your lifestyle… Continue reading

  • Sep 20, 2015

In response to Moniak

The Friday, Sept. 18 column by Mr. Moniak on senior tax exemption opposition clearly illustrates why seniors are angry, frustrated and disgusted over this issue.… Continue reading

  • Sep 20, 2015

In support of the proposed changes to the senior sales tax exemption

I think it is unfortunate that Ron Somerville has chosen to be part of the problem and not part of the solution. In the Sept.… Continue reading

  • Sep 20, 2015