I applaud the Alaska Senate for making the first move to fix Alaska’s education crisis.
Let’s look at some of the unsaid items.
I’m a grandma and I have trigger-locks on the guns in my house.
When you click on the “donate” tab on the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council’s website, you are met with the following message: “Thank you for your… Continue reading
“A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be… Continue reading
There isn’t a minute to lose.
Marine Park is available for my use, I am not deterred from visiting it by the tourists.
There’s now hope that lawmakers can finally work across the aisle to solve problems.
A good representative will welcome that challenge.
Freedom of the press remains a high mark in human civilization.
I am shocked beyond belief at the ignorance of the people of Alaska in selecting Dunleavy again for governor! He aslmost made the AMHS system… Continue reading
We have a champion in Congress who understands the important role healing will serve…
“Alaska veterans can’t be certain that their essential need to use cannabis will be protected…”
This recent murderous attack on Paul Pelosi will go down in history as the capstone on my nation’s burgeoning development in the pretense-based, fear-centered, gangland… Continue reading
My logical opinion on why the police didn’t enter the Uvalde school for over an hour after the massacre took place is that in their… Continue reading
“Mary Peltola respects Congressman Young’s legacy of service…”
I’m supporting Les Gara for governor because he’ll deal with our situation constructively.
I encourage all to vote on Nov. 8 and vote against holding a constitutional convention.
I ask all Alaskans to come together and vote no.