(Juneau Empire file photo)

Seeking ideas for how the community can celebrate the nation’s 250-year anniversary

As we celebrate with friends and family this Fourth of July, I want to challenge you to do something especially meaningful. We will be waving our flags during the 250th anniversary of the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence in two very quick years — 2026.

Nationally, America’s commemoration is not just focusing on the past or the future — it’s fostering a sense of togetherness, honoring the contributions of Americans from all walks of life and our unique experiences that make our nation so extraordinary.

How can Alaska’s communities tell our story? What are our contributions to the success of this nation, the second-oldest constitutional federal republic in the history of the world? And, more importantly, how can we celebrate in a way that is meaningful, memorable, inclusive and fun?

There are a few suggestions making the rounds — from one minute “Semiquincentennial Minutes” in the local media like the “Bicentennial Minutes” to getting historic ballfields listed on the national register and rekindling the city league games in historic costumes — maybe even getting a couple of major league teams up to Fairbanks to play the opener.

Alaska is just starting our journey together towards the United States Semiquincentennial, also called the Bisesquincentennial, the Sestercentennial or the Quarter Millennial.

Whatever you want to call it, please share your ideas on ways Alaska can participate at DoreneMLorenz@aol.com so I can take the concepts with me to Washington, D.C., next week in a national meeting tying state projects together with private funders. Looking forward to an exceptional celebration across our communities, our state and our nation.

Dorene Lorenz
