
Vote no on constitutional convention to protect personal freedoms

I ask all Alaskans to come together and vote no.

I have benefitted for over 50 years from the freedoms and protections enshrined in Alaska’s State Constitution. Our constitution is held up as a great example that protects our personal freedoms and establishes the framework for managing our natural resources for the benefit of all Alaskans. A convention would allow changes or additions to every part of the constitution. It is too risky to allow this.

The constitution has been amended many times since its adoption in 1959. These changes were raised and addressed one issue at a time. That is the most effective and safe way to address a proposed change. As we have witnessed with our elected representatives crafting local and state government budgets – there ends up being horse trading for votes to support one person’s desire in trade for supporting someone else’s priority. This allows two potentially bad ideas, not supported on their own by the majority of folks, to become law. Similar results could happen with delegates to a convention. We cannot allow that risk with the constitution.

I ask all Alaskans to come together and vote no – constitutional convention. This will protect the Alaska constitution for current and future generations.

Bob Bartholomew,


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