The Macaulay Salmon Hatchery would like to thank the special volunteers who helped make our education and community events a great success so far this year.
Our annual spring Seaweek program was held April 12 – 25 in conjunction with the Juneau School District. Over 535 students and adults visited DIPAC to participate in these classes. DIPAC sincerely thanks the following folks for helping make our 2016 Sea Week field trip program so successful: Holland America – Princess Tours for providing transportation for the school classes, Maraiya Gentili of the Juneau School District for her coordination of the Sea Week program, and all the teachers, parents and friends who provided guidance for the students during the field trips. A special praise goes to our community volunteers who shared their love of marine biology with our students: George Bonnett, Don Greenberg, Janet Henderson, Mark and Betty Johnson, Chris Mattson, Carol Sewill and Courtney Weiss.
Additional volunteers greatly aided our other various community outreach events including school family science nights, Floyd Dryden Career Day, Juneau Maritime Festival and University of Alaska Southeast Community Day. These were Kathy Hanna, Peggy Mattson, Casey McConnell, Barb Sandberg and Linda Squibb.
Equally appreciated are our student and community volunteers who helped maintain the aquariums and collect specimens for our aquariums and touch tanks this year: Sierra Ezzre; Yvette Davidson; Hal Geiger; Janet Henderson; Mike Kirshner; Jake Lewis; Jase Page; Mark Sanders; Annette Smith; the Squires family – Marsha, Owen and Steve; Jane Sullivan, Sherry Tamone; John Tomaro; Roger Vallion and Emily Whitney. Special thanks to Juneau-Douglas High School Project Choice students Leilani Russel and Brayden Erickson for their helpful service this last school year. Opportunities for many of our student volunteers were provided through cooperative partnerships with Juneau-Douglas and Yaakoosge Daakahidi high schools, for which we are most appreciative. On-going volunteer help has also been provided through a cooperative partnership with REACH, which we much appreciate.
We welcome volunteers who would like to assist with our ongoing education and community outreach programs and aquarium collection and maintenance activities. For further information, contact Rich Mattson at 463-1630 or email at
Rich Mattson, Education Coordinator
Katie Harms, Tourism Manager