The Juneau Area Cub Scout Pinewood Derby was held Saturday at the Nugget Mall. The race was open any Cub Scout in Juneau and determined the fastest three cars in town.
The first Cub Scout pinewood derby was run in 1953. In the 63 years since, it is estimated that more than 40 million fathers (mostly) and sons have participated in races. Millions more parents, den leaders, Cubmasters and committee members have been involved in various ways.
In a Pinewood derby, Cub Scouts race little wooden cars of various shapes and colors down a 32-foot plywood (or aluminum) track. Each Cub Scout gets a kit with a block of wood, four nails for axles and four plastic wheels. Then, based on the rules, he shapes and paints his block of wood into a vehicle to race down the track. The track’s start line is approximately 5 feet high, and the track slopes down to the floor and levels off for the final 16 feet or so. The derby is run in heats — two to four cars start by gravity from a standstill on a track and run down a ramp to a finish line unaided. In the old days, two judges were used for scoring the finish, but there are now photo cells connected to a computer program to decide first, second and third place in each heat.
The five Cub Scout Packs in Juneau have run their individual derbies over the last three weeks.
Most Packs divide the Cub Scouts by age — Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos — and award a medal to the top three cars for each den. In addition there are often awards such as “most original” and “best paint job” to give credit for creativity and effort. The culmination of this event is a grand finale championship with the top car of each den racing each other to determine the fastest cars in the Pack.
Pinewood Derby is one of the highlights of the Cub Scout year, which also includes working on various awards, skits, songs, hikes, games, field trips and banquets. Cub Scout Packs meet at most of the elementary schools and are open to all boys in first through fifth grade. For more information, contact Jennifer Brown, or check out
Keith Pahlke is the Activities Chair for the Boy Scouts Maritime District.