The Juneau branch of the Alaska Department of Law raised thousands of dollars and pounds of food to donate this year.
The donations, part of a yearly competition for the improvised Pork and Beans Trophy, divides the local employees into two teams based largely on location in the office. Points are awarded for pounds of food donated or dollars contributed, wrote Senior Assistant Attorney General Cori Mills in a press release.
This year, the Juneau office raised $2,510 for Meals on Wheels, a new record for the office, and donated 1,016 pounds of food to Housing First and the Glory Hall.
“This is not like a private employer where the company as a whole can donate — this takes each individual employee voluntarily donating to make it happen,” Mills wrote. “It is a wonderful testament to the devoted public servants in this department and a reflection of Juneau’s charitable culture.”
The competition has been ongoing each year since 1998. More than $35,000 has been donated over the years.