PND Engineers recently announced that its Juneau Floating Cruise Ship Berths project has been recognized by the Pile Driving Contractors Association as a 2017 Project of the Year.
PND worked closely with the CBJ Docks & Harbors Department to develop project alternatives and the selected concept was two independent, floating concrete pontoons to use as the berths. The north berth pontoon measured 400 feet long by 50 feet wide. The south berth pontoon measured 300 feet long by 50 feet wide.
The Juneau Cruise Ship Berths project is the largest in Alaska state history, overshadowing even the other cruise ship berths just south of these new facilities. The new berths are capable of servicing the largest class vessels that are slated to visit Southeast Alaska, including the Breakaway class vessel with an overall length of 1,063 feet and a gross tonnage of 144,000 tons.
PND’s subconsultant team members for this project include Haight & Associates; Wilson Engineering; Carson Dorn, Inc.; and Manson Construction Company.