Juneauite Sam Trivette has been recognized nationally as an “Everyday Hero” by the American Federation of Teachers. Trivette, who is retired from three decades working for Alaska’s Department of Corrections, “has spent a lifetime defending public employees,” says the bio on AFT’s website. His nominator called him “Alaska’s most tireless advocate for public employees.”
Trivette, a self-described people person, joined the Retired Public Employees of Alaska upon his retirement and served as secretary, president, and in almost every other role. In 2006, he was appointed to the Alaska Retirement Management Board. In that role, he spoke with state legislators as an advocate for public employees’ retirements.
“If I’m involved and I can’t make something happen, it’s clear I need to do something else,” he said in a quote on the AFT’s website.
“His dedication has made a world of difference,” the write-up continues. “However, after 11 years of exemplary service, Trivette is stepping down. ‘I need to slow my activity level,’ he says, and for him that means a little more hiking, yard work and wood chopping, as well as volunteering with the Juneau Suicide Prevention Coalition. Trivette made sure he left his beloved public employees in good hands by lobbying for a retiree well-versed in policy surrounding public retirement systems to be appointed in his place.”
Trivette continues to be involved as an advocate when he is needed. “I have a mind to learn and desire to share what I’ve learned,” he sais in a quote on the site. “That’s how I can make an impact on people.”
Sam and Gayle Trivette traveled to the AFT’s biannual convention in Minneapolis for Trivette to receive the award.
The AFT is the umbrella organization for the Retired Public Employees of Alaska and the Alaska Public Employees Association.