United Fishermen of Alaska, the state’s largest organization for commercial fishermen, has posthumously named Michael Bangs of Petersburg as its Fisherman of the Year for 2018.
Bangs helped develop the roe-on-kelp and dive fisheries in Southeast Alaska. He’s the former president of the Southeast Alaska Regional Dive Fisheries Association. Bangs had been chair of the Southeast Regional Subsistence Advisory Council and served on that body since 2003. He also served on the Petersburg Fish and Game Advisory Committee. Bangs passed away at his home in February.
“Michael Bangs was a prime example that the job of a commercial fisherman is not limited to just working on the boat,” UFA Executive Director Frances Leach said in a prepared statement. “Michael’s involvement on the Southeast Regional Subsistence Advisory Council, Petersburg Fish and Game Advisory Committee and on the Southeast Alaska Regional Dive Fisheries Association demonstrates his service and involvement in public policy, and helped pave the way to keep Alaska fishermen fishing.”
UFA Fisherman of the Year and other honors are listed at http://www.ufafish.org/about/ufa-awards/