Detained migrants in Italy are moved onto a ferry bound for Sicily, May 4, 2023. (Fabio Bucciarelli/The New York Times)

Detained migrants in Italy are moved onto a ferry bound for Sicily, May 4, 2023. (Fabio Bucciarelli/The New York Times)

Living and Growing: Lessons in compassion

After recently traveling to Lesvos, Greece with Shepherd of the Valley I gained a new appreciation for refugees after meeting with several during the trip.

Each day of the trip I was constantly vacillating between savoring the feeling of being fortunate enough to be there enjoying a piece of the world that was new to me, and I felt an overwhelming feeling of compassion and was humbled as I listened to their stories. In the feeling of thankfulness for my fortunes, I also dug into what it would feel like to be in this place under other circumstances – how would I feel as a refugee here?

I would be completely lost. My Greek is horrendous, both speaking and reading it. I wouldn’t know how to navigate, I would feel scared, and I would be searching for someone to show compassion and grace to help me. During the trip I often imagined the thousands of refugees inundating the island, looking for hope, and peace…Looking for compassion, and mercy as they navigated somewhere new as they search for safety and a better life.

I think of the ramifications of living in terror, living in a state of fight or flight until safety is found…hearts full of hope, and minds full of anxiety. I also think of what it would feel like to be a local and watch your homeland become flooded with strangers needing aid. Both parties I think share commonalities in feelings of anxiety, both in a state of shock…both parties wondering “How will I get through this?”

Compassion involves feeling another person’s pain and wanting to take steps to help relieve their suffering. The word is derived from Latin and means “to suffer together.” Compassion involves allowing ourselves to be moved by suffering and then acting in some way to help alleviate and prevent it from happening further.

Many examples of compassion are found in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), but the Old Testament also holds many compassionate stories/characters. I think there is compassion found in the story of Joseph. He went from being sold into slavery by his brothers to becoming second in command in Egypt. When famine took over the land, his brothers went to Egypt to buy food. Joseph could have cast them out, could have had them killed…instead, he held compassion. I think he was a little snarky about it, but who am I to judge?

Ruth was full of compassion. Ruth loved her mother-in-law, Naomi, and had compassion for her. Naomi’s husband and sons had died. In an act of selfless compassion and empathy, Ruth traveled with Naomi back to Bethlehem and settled there with her. Do you love your in-laws that much?

The compassion we show to others is vital in making the world go around harmoniously…I also believe that self-compassion is something we all could work on as well. The more in tune we are with ourselves, the more present we can be with others. Show yourself and your neighbor’s compassion as you navigate this life together. Everyone is going through a different journey in life, and extending grace, love and compassion to others helps when life is hard…as it can often be.

• Kristina Abbott is a member of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Juneau.

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