Tired of pumping iron? How about pumping bronze?
Celebration Ringers of Resurrection Lutheran Church wants to fill a couple empty positions in the handbell choir. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 6:30-8 p.m. starting Feb. 8 into May. Ringing experience is not necessary, but reading music is a requirement. If interested, call the church at 586-2380 or send an email to director Lucy Merrell at lmerrell@gci.net.
Celebration Ringers uses five octaves of Malmark handbells and three octaves of choir chimes. The great fun of ringing is the choreography of what to do with which hand. Every ringer is assigned four to 10 bells and the music requires a variety of techniques such as ringing, plucking, martellating and an echo ring, plus others. It’s a challenge but very fun. You may try it for a couple weeks before committing.
Please contact Lucy Merrell for more information.