
Living & Growing: Lovely Louise and her graceful fight

It was a Louise kind of day. Cold with bright sunshine so one could sit in the car with the sun beating in and it… Continue reading

  • Jan 29, 2017

WorldQuest 2017 international trivia contest upcoming

For the international trivia contest, participants play from their dinner tables in groups of) eight. Folks are encouraged to arrange groups beforehand, but teams will… Continue reading

Ned Rozell | For the Juneau Empire Ned Rozell after skiing during a cold snap in Fairbanks.

Alaska Science Forum: An open letter to deep Interior cold

Hello old friend. I thought you were dead. Sorry, but remember last year, when you didn’t show up? It was the first recorded winter in… Continue reading

Ned Rozell | For the Juneau Empire Ned Rozell after skiing during a cold snap in Fairbanks.
Fruits of highbush cranberry dangle from the twig, their seeds extracted by pine grosbeaks. (Photo by Kathy Hocker)

On the Trails: Pine grosbeaks

In early January, Parks and Rec hikers meandered through Cowee Meadows over crusty, crunchy snow. Plant stalks and tree branches glittered in their hoarfrost coatings.… Continue reading

Fruits of highbush cranberry dangle from the twig, their seeds extracted by pine grosbeaks. (Photo by Kathy Hocker)
Pounding surf with the serene Chilkats in the background on Jan. 20. (Denise Carroll)

Wild Shots

Reader-submitted images of Mother Nature in Southeast Submit your wild shots: The Empire Outdoors page is looking for superb images of Alaska’s wildlife, scenery or… Continue reading

Pounding surf with the serene Chilkats in the background on Jan. 20. (Denise Carroll)

Steve Brockman to present at Wildlife Wednesday

Wildlife scientist Steve Brockmann will present at Wildlife Wednesday at 7 p.m. on Feb. 1 at the Valley Library. The title of his talk and… Continue reading

Fireside lecture to give Heen Latinee Experimental Forest update

The Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center will host a Fireside Lecture today with ecologist Rick Edwards, lead scientist for the US Forest Service’s Héen Latinee Experimental… Continue reading

Raptor Center seeks board members

The Juneau Raptor Center is seeking individuals to serve on its Board of Directors. The purpose of the JRC is to rehabilitate raptors and other… Continue reading

This frame grab form video shows Myron Ebell during an interview with The Associated Press in Washington on Thursday. Ebell, the former head of President Donald Trump’s transition team at the Environmental Protection Agency says he expects the new administration to seek significant budget and staff cuts. (The Associated Press)

Official: Trump wants to slash EPA workforce, budget

WASHINGTON — The former head of President Donald Trump’s transition team at the Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday he expects the new administration to seek… Continue reading

This frame grab form video shows Myron Ebell during an interview with The Associated Press in Washington on Thursday. Ebell, the former head of President Donald Trump’s transition team at the Environmental Protection Agency says he expects the new administration to seek significant budget and staff cuts. (The Associated Press)
Banghart wins ‘Distinguished Service’ award

Banghart wins ‘Distinguished Service’ award

Over the last 40 years, Robert Banghart has come to know Alaska, and many of its small communities, quite well. He’s worked on 11 different… Continue reading

Banghart wins ‘Distinguished Service’ award

Wildlife Wednesday talk on Wildlife Service in Southeast Alaska

On Feb. 1 wildlife scientist Steve Brockmann will present at Wildlife Wednesday on “Eagles, Otters, and Wolves: the US Fish &Wildlife Service in Southeast Alaska,”… Continue reading

Solo artist exhibition highlights domestic and sexual abuse

The Alaska State Museum’s Solo Artist Exhibition Series for 2017-2019 will feature Carmel Anderson’s show “Unheard Voice| Unheard Wisdom,” which shares the experience of victims… Continue reading

Writers’ Weir: Where is Heaven?

Writers’ Weir: Where is Heaven?

Where’s what we call heaven? Is it behind the clouds that freely float above us? Is it in the vast, deep, blue ocean that surround… Continue reading

Writers’ Weir: Where is Heaven?

Central Council to hold Constitutional Convention

The Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska’s (Central Council) 82nd Annual Tribal Assembly will convene April 19-21 in Juneau, and has… Continue reading

What’s Happening around Southeast, Alaska

They Don’t Talk Back - Preview, Thursday, Jan. 26, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Perseverance Theatre. Three generations of Tlingit men face the challenges of a summer of… Continue reading

Rasmuson foundation expands community program

Rasmuson Foundation has announced a four year, $5 million grant to The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) to support the Affiliate Program, a statewide effort to… Continue reading

Haines non-fiction writer chosen for Distinguished Service to the Humanities Award

Non-fiction writer Heather Lende of Haines was chosen for the Distinguished Service to the Humanities Award for the 2017 Governor’s Arts and Humanities Awards. Lende… Continue reading

“Symphony of Seafood” sees Southeast entries

Candied salmon ice cream…poke snack kits…salmon bisque baby food… fish skin tote bags and pet oils. Those are among the more than 20 new items… Continue reading

City Museum to hold 12×12 art workshops at the JACC

On Saturday, Feb. 18 at the Juneau Arts and Culture Center, local artist Patti Hutchens Jouppi will be teaching workshops for youth and adults who… Continue reading

Arts Business Leadership Award winner for 2017: Lani Hotch

Arts Business Leadership Award winner for 2017: Lani Hotch

In May of 2016, the Jilkaat Kwaan Cultural Heritage and Bald Eagle Preserve Visitor Center opened in Klukwan, an idea that had been brewing in… Continue reading

Arts Business Leadership Award winner for 2017: Lani Hotch