A brief explanation of spiritual direction as I practice it.
Thank you, merci, danke, gracias, gunalchéesh.
Juneau students achieved academic honors.
Why would anyone deliberately refuse to call someone by their right name and their chosen pronouns?
One of the most beloved traditions of Christmas is singing Christmas carols.
Thank you, merci, danke, gracias, gunalchéesh.
Juneau residents, Paul and Lorilyn Swanson celebrate 60 years of marriage on Dec. 28. In 1962, the Swansons married at Calvary Presbyterian in Enumclaw, Washington,… Continue reading
You didn’t move all the way from New York to Alaska to reconnect with Judaism. And yet here you are, engaged in that time-honored Jewish… Continue reading
Some see the holidays as a peaceful time to spend with loved ones — others thrive on competition.
We can be a profound moment in someone’s life.
You can’t just see a painting. You have to let the painting see you.
It’s the group’s first time hosting the event in Juneau
On Wednesday, Dec. 14, The Light of the World members around the globe celebrated eight years of the apostolic ministry of the Apostle Naasón Joaquín… Continue reading
“Bring me my ranch dressing hose!”
Listen and silent are spelled with the same letters. Think about that!
I saw the ghost of James Joyce. Well, I didn’t actually see the Irish writer’s ghost, but he was there, to be sure, leaning on… Continue reading
Reach out beyond your typical day and look for ways to serve others.
You are what you eat. I am popcorn.
Day steps down from his positions with Tourism Best Management Practices after 25 years
Our university community is forever impoverished by his walking into the interior…