As I reflect on the past during the High Holy Days, I am also going to reframe how I think.
Thank you, merci, danke, gracias, gunalchéesh.
Eric Olsen and Vicki Bassett were honored by friends and colleagues on Sept. 15.
Even the word “multitasking” does double duty.
I often wake up with songs running like a current in my ears, and this morning it was “Quando, Quando, Quando,”an Englebert Humperdink song resurrected… Continue reading
Thank you, merci, danke, gracias, gunalchéesh.
…dys and pherein mean difficult to carry, like a great weight, a burden. Dysphoria.
Once again, we remembered that day 21 years ago when the whole world was thrown into chaos.
“And let us not grow weary while doing good…”
“…Stuff that passes show, none of which can denote me truly.”
“Don’t do meth and do acknowledge people’s existence.”
Thank you, merci, danke, gracias, gunalchéesh.
Thirteen Southeast Alaska nonprofits receive funds.
Tool to help enjoy the rest of my journey of life.
What is the Holy Supper? The Holy Supper is a sacred moment where the believer participates of the bread and the wine to commemorate the… Continue reading
Thank you, merci, danke, gracias, gunalchéesh.
We have personal freedom — and thus the personal responsibility — to shape a lot about our lives.
It is all too easy to look at the world today and become consumed by the discord…