A rare quiver from Kodiak’s King family will return home to be placed on display at the Alutiiq Museum.
Roger and Donna King brought the artifact to the Burke Museum in Seattle for an identification event. There they met former Alutiiq Museum executive director Sven Haakanson Jr., who recognized the piece as a unique Alutiiq quiver and suggested that the Kings donate it to the Alutiiq Museum.
“Family-owned items like this are so important to our people,” Haakanson explained. “They help us to learn about our history and reawaken traditions. Our carvers are just starting to relearn how to make such quivers. Thanks to access to this piece, carvers on Kodiak will be able to study in detail the craftwork of our ancestors and bring this tradition to life once again.”
The quiver is considered to be in excellent condition and comes with a detailed family history, said Marnie Leist, the Alutiiq Museum curator of collections.
Currently the piece is in collection storage as the Museum decides the best way to display it.