Thank you, Juneau
We came expecting the rain and the mountains, but none of us expected such a friendly and welcoming community. From the moment we stepped off the plane, Juneau came together to make us feel at home.
During our time here, we have tried to repay this kindness through our service to this beautiful city. Since last August, our cohort — a small, but mighty five — has completed over 8,500 hours of service to the community that welcomed us with open arms. Juneauites always demonstrate their appreciation, but we’re the ones who should be thankful to have been invited to live in such a wonderful place.
We have been honored, these past months, to serve your literacy needs at Harborview Elementary School, Little Eagle and Ravens Nest (LEARN), Riverbend Elementary School, Sayéik: Gastineau Community School, and Southeast Regional Resource Center (SERRC). We hope to have made lasting connections and positive impacts here, and wish the next cohort luck in maintaining the AmeriCorps legacy and getting things done for Juneau, Alaska.
Thank you for everything! We are so grateful to have experienced the mountains, the elusive sun, the glaciers, the hiking trails, the active Facebook groups, the rain and snow, the ubiquitous whales, the late-night Russian dumplings, but, most of all, the friendly mountain community and the Juneauites who have graciously hosted us and made this experience so rewarding.
And so, to beautiful, lovely Juneau, we have this to say: Át axwdishée ixwsateení ch’a yóok’. Tle tleix ixsixán. I hope to see you soon. I’ll love you forever.
Claudia, Kelsey, Lucas, Sarah, and Therese,
The 2021-2022 AmeriCorps of Southeast Alaska Cohort
Thank you for supporting the Rainball Tournament
The Annual Jamie Parsons Memorial Rainball Tournament is our biggest tournament of the year and wouldn’t be possible without support from so many in our community.
Thank you to our Major Tournament Sponsors: Southeast Mine Supply, McGivney’s Sports Bar and Grill, Cornerstone Home Lending Inc, Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Alaska Seaplanes, SJS Excavation and Construction, and Ron Gile Photography. Many thanks to all the team sponsors that contribute to Rainball year after year, we wouldn’t have a program without you.
We would like to acknowledge the tremendous effort put in by JSA Board Members who volunteer their time and spend countless hours making this tournament happen each year for hundreds of players. A big thank you to the Juneau Douglas Officials Association for staffing our tournament with Umpires, and thanks to the countless volunteers who jumped in and helped things run smoothly this year. A special shout out to the Parks and Recreation staff that maintain the fields for us all season long, but put extra hours in for our tournaments. We appreciate all you do!
Rachelle Bonnett,