KINY Radio recently reported that the Canadian Olympic snowboarding team’s uniform sports a raven pattern familiar to many Alaskans. Designed by Tlingit artist Corrine Hunt, the jackets are made by the Vancouver based Granted Sweater Company, which offers a hand knitted version of the Canadian team’s coat.
A member of the Raven Gwa’wina clan from Ts’akis, a Komoyue village on Vancouver Island, Corrine Hunt has been creating contemporary art that reflects the themes and traditions of her First Nations Komoyue and Tlingit heritage since 1985. Some of Hunt’s most notable recent works include designing the logo for the World Peace Forum in Vancouver in 2006 and the Medals for the 2010 Olympics held in Canada, KINY Radio reported. Her works include engraved gold and silver jewelry and accessories, custom furnishings in carved stainless steel and reclaimed wood, modern totem poles and other sculptural installations.
“From the beginning of her career engraving rings, bracelets, pendants and broaches, Corrine has searched for unique ways to bring the stories of her First Nations culture to contemporary life,” according to I-Hos Gallery, where her work is shown. “I want to show how both the First Nations people and the art have evolved,” she said.