The spring brown bear hunting season opened March 15 in Game Management Unit 4. Inside drainages (RB089) close May 20 and outside drainages (RB088) close May 31. For boundary clarifications, refer to the 2016-17 Alaska Hunting Regulations and online maps (
Prior to registering, hunters must watch the brown bear identification video “Take a Closer Look.” It may be viewed online It is also available for loan at Fish & Game offices.
Hunters must have a registration permit, valid hunting license and big game locking tag prior to hunting. Register at an ADF&G office or online at If you failed to report on a permit during the prior regulatory year, you may not be eligible to register for this hunt.
New this year, all nonresidents hunting brown bear in GMU4 with a relative resident instead of a registered guide must have a drawing permit (DB088 or DB089). All other nonresident and nonresident alien hunters must use a registered guide.
Successful hunters must report to the Fish & Game office in Sitka or Douglas within 10 days of kill. The entire hide with claws and evidence of sex attached and skull must be salvaged. The skull must be skinned from the hide and both must be unfrozen. Sealing is required within 30 days of kill. Hunters who are unsuccessful or unable to hunt must report by close of business June 15.
For more information please call the Sitka ADF&G office at 747-5449.